A Revolutionary Treatment for Both Men and Women with Alma Duo

Men who are exploring their options for treating erectile dysfunction may have heard about the benefits of nonsurgical Alma™ Duo. But, did you know that the shockwave technology also provides benefits for women?

At Acacia Wellness Center in Nampa, Idaho Deo Peppersack, DNP and her staff use the revolutionary Alma Duo technology to enhance sexual satisfaction in women and address erectile dysfunction in men. Dr. Peppersack customizes a treatment plan to maximize your results, and no surgical incisions or injections are required.

How Alma Duo works
The Alma Duo system uses focused low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT) technology to stimulate more blood flow to improve sexual experiences in men and women. Treatment times are 15 minutes or less, and you don’t have to schedule any downtime afterwards.

For men, the treatment restores blood flow to the penis to naturally improve the quality of erections. In women, Alma Duo uses shockwave energy to enhance blood flow in the vaginal tissues to increase sexual sensitivity and pleasure. Treatment is comfortable and requires no needles or anesthetic.

In either treatment, Dr. Peppersack uses a handheld applicator to deliver short pulses of energy into the treatment area. The energy triggers a natural healing response in your body to restore blood flow and improve sexual function and sensation.

When to consider treatments with Alma Duo
Men should consider treatment with Alma Duo if they have issues with erectile dysfunction but no longer want to rely on medications. They may also be a candidate for shockwave therapy if medications or other therapies aren’t effectively treating their erectile dysfunction.

Women can schedule an Alma Duo consultation at Acacia Wellness Center if they have difficulties reaching orgasm or are unsatisfied with the intensity of their orgasms.
While any issues involving sexual intimacy can be embarrassing to discuss with others, rest assured that our team takes a discreet approach to your care.

Dr Peppersack spends time learning about your symptoms and the effect they have on your sexual function. Then she customizes a treatment plan using Alma Duo technology to help you achieve your desired results. We offer treatments in a comfortable office environment, and you can return to your usual activities without any downtime.

The long-lasting results you deserve
Typically, you can expect to receive a series of six treatments over the course of three weeks. Many people begin to see a significant improvement in their sexual function within the first few treatments.
Results of Alma Duo treatments can last for up to two years. Dr. Peppersack can provide maintenance treatments if needed, so you can maintain your results.

After your treatment, you can enjoy more spontaneity with your partner. Men won’t have to rely on pills or other therapies to maintain an erection, and women can enjoy more satisfying orgasms.

To learn more about Alma Duo and how it may be able to help you, call 208-498-1760.